Wednesday, November 17, 2010

L'Occitane Love

Fleurs de Pêcher

I've really gotten into L'Occitane products lately... They just smell so good!
I randomly tried the peach blossom perfume above in a shop once and fell in love with it. It probably also has to do with me having had an awesome day walking around with this scent on me, so it has a nostalgic value, too, haha.
Anyways, after that I moved to another city and tried to buy it at the local L'Occitane shop(they are all over Germany nowadays!) , but the shop clerk told me they don't have it anymore because it has been discontinued...
I must have looked really dissapointed because she immediately offered to try calling other shops to ask if they still might have some in stock if I don't find it online, haha.
They always have really friendly staff, at least in the shops I have been to until now.

Luckily I did find it online, though.
I'm all over fancy perfume bottles, but somehow I really like this one because it is so simple and because of the engraved peach blossom branch. It matches the fresh scent perfectly. ♥

Another product I really love is their "Rose 4 Reines" body milk.
It smells sooo good!

Lait de Roses

It's relatively expensive, but I've had this small 75ml bottle for a couple of months now, and it's still only half empty and I use it on my whole body about once or twice a week.

When I ordered the perfume I also got samples of a few creams, and totally fell in love with the MILK CONCENTRATE body cream. I even kept the empty package of the sample so I can smell it every now and then, haha... Maybe I'll buy it once the rose body milk is used up.
I also tried the Ultra-Matte Face Fluid, which was so-so, and have a cream mask still lying around here that I have yet to try.
But it's from the IMMORTELLE series which I also had a cream sample of, and that one smelled gross, so I'm a little reluctant, haha...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Chocolate Pupe

Chocolate Pupe

I love the current theme on Poupée Girl. ♥
I've been playing for what, 3 years now?
It has changed quite a lot since then, and in my opinion not really for the better.
I have gotten over the Jewel thing by now, but the events rarely ever interest me anymore, or if they do, I don't like any of the items.
Who remembers that Valentine's Day a couple of years back, when they released their first Lolita style dress on Pupe? *haha*
It looked like Baby's Parfait dress(which I still want...), and I was so excited, taking pictures of every uploadable thing I could find. It was a lot harder to get Ribbons back then, nowadays I always have about 300, and I guess I'm one of the poorer Pupes, haha...

Oh well, but I have accumulated lots of nice clothes over the years, so it's still fun to play.
And sometimes, like with the school girl event, I get all excited and want to buy everything. 8D