Friday, November 12, 2010

Chocolate Pupe

Chocolate Pupe

I love the current theme on Poupée Girl. ♥
I've been playing for what, 3 years now?
It has changed quite a lot since then, and in my opinion not really for the better.
I have gotten over the Jewel thing by now, but the events rarely ever interest me anymore, or if they do, I don't like any of the items.
Who remembers that Valentine's Day a couple of years back, when they released their first Lolita style dress on Pupe? *haha*
It looked like Baby's Parfait dress(which I still want...), and I was so excited, taking pictures of every uploadable thing I could find. It was a lot harder to get Ribbons back then, nowadays I always have about 300, and I guess I'm one of the poorer Pupes, haha...

Oh well, but I have accumulated lots of nice clothes over the years, so it's still fun to play.
And sometimes, like with the school girl event, I get all excited and want to buy everything. 8D
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